Technically you can't. It's built on most Chinese network and either you are using the Chinese network or you are not using it(therefore nothing to bypass). You may

Three Ways to Bypass Great Firewall of China |Blog 2020-7-16 · 3 Ways to Bypass the Great Firewall of China. Unfortunately, the number of web services, which are blocked in China, is increasing from day to day.If you are living in China or you are going to visit this country, you can use one of the ways below to have access to all internet resources. 防火墙长城_360百科 2018-4-4 · 防火墙长城,指的是防火墙"长城"( china the "GREATFIREWALL" )又名中国国家防火墙或长城防火墙(great firewall of china ,GFW )。此处的防火墙非字面意义上的防火墙。是指网络审查的设施。它的作用主要是监控网络上的通讯,对认为不符合中国官方 Google is using a tool Chinese users developed to bypass Google is using a tool Chinese users developed to bypass the Great Firewall. Abacus Matt Haldane. Published: 2019年9月6日08:09. Text Size 0 A A A A. Shadowsocks was developed in China to jump the Great Firewall, and now companies like Google are adopting it even as some debate its security and longevity For those who might be government

It is now illegal to bypass China’s FireWall with VPNs

China has introduced a sophisticated censorship mechanism known as the Great Firewall of China to limit and control its citizens’ access to foreign information sources online and social media platforms. Those who want to bypass it have to use virtual private networks (VPN) or other methods.

Oct 15, 2019 · CacheBrowser: Bypassing Chinese Firewall Without Proxies. Nowadays, a big part of the whole internet content is served using content delivery networks (CDNs). Despite such popularity, there is little research on how online censorships affect this technology.

Technically you can't. It's built on most Chinese network and either you are using the Chinese network or you are not using it(therefore nothing to bypass). You may What's the best way to bypass the Chinese firewall? - Quora Psiphon would be the best proxy software to bypass the Chinese firewall as the vision behind developing this software was to support users to bypass the content filtering systems of governments who impose censorship of internet such as China, Iran Bypassing China's Great Firewall May Land You in Prison The decision, posted on the Bureau’s account on Weibo, a Chinese microblogging site similar to Twitter, stirred intense discussion among Chinese netizens. They called on authorities to treat everyone equally and punish Hu Xijin, editor-in-chief of The Global Times , spokespersons of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, and other