Glenn Greenwald: What The ‘Deep State’ Is Doing To Trump

Glenn Greenwald Charged with ‘Cybercrimes’ by Brazilian Author and journalist Glenn Greenwald looks on during a meeting at Commission of Constitution and Justice in the Brazilian Federal Senate in Brasilia, Brazil July 11, 2019. Glenn Greenwald | Lannan Foundation Glenn Greenwald is an investigative journalist and author. A former constitutional lawyer, he founded the online global media outlet The Intercept with Laura Poitras and Jeremy Scahill in 2014. He is the author of several best sellers, among them, How Would a Patriot Act?; With Liberty and Justice for Some: How the Law is Used to Destroy Equality and Protect the Powerful and the recent No Glenn Greenwald Articles - Breitbart

Aug 09, 2019

Glenn Greenwald Is Innocent - Jacobin Jan 22, 2020

Glenn Greenwald Charged With Cybercrimes in Brazil - The

Glenn Greenwald of 'The Intercept' Throws a Hail Mary Dec 11, 2015 Glenn Greenwald: What The ‘Deep State’ Is Doing To Trump Feb 21, 2017 Glenn Greenwald calls charges against Assange a threat to