BUGS: If you do not receive a reply from doc2pdf@hotpop.com with an attached .pdf file, please report a bug by resending the email (with the attachment) to mpeterson@users.sourceforge.net. Make sure that the string "doc2pdf bug" is found in the subject. The more emails I get the better the Doc2pdf will be. Thanks!

It takes a pdf in input, and exports an openoffice presentation where each page of the original document is put as an high-resolution image. It supports transparency and color. The pdf exporting facility of openoffice.org allows you to use it as a "free pdf editor", even if documents will get bigger and will have worse quality. 9.3.1 I found a bug or i t an w to suggest some features. 22 9.3.2 I t an w to help but i en't v ha time. 22 9.3.3 This are w soft is shit and ou y are an idiot. 22 3 NCO User Guide A suite of netCDF operators Edition 4.9.3-alpha03, for NCO Version 4.9.3-alpha03 March 2020 by Charlie Zender Departments of Earth System Science and Computer Science Later I understood that the problem with my pdf-file was a encoding-issue (the password was in iso-latin 1, and my viewer was trying with utf-8) but then I had already started, and as there was no program that could recover PDF-passwords that was Open Source or free so I thought that it might be of use for others and the rest is history. PDFCreator allows you to convert files to PDF, merge and rearrange PDF files, create digital signatures and more. It’s free and easy to use.

PDFCrack is a GNU/Linux (other POSIX-compatible systems should work too) tool for recovering passwords and content from PDF-files. It is small, command line driven without external dependencies. The application is Open Source (GPL). Features. Supports the standard security handler (revision 2, 3 and 4) on all known PDF-versions

Later I understood that the problem with my pdf-file was a encoding-issue (the password was in iso-latin 1, and my viewer was trying with utf-8) but then I had already started, and as there was no program that could recover PDF-passwords that was Open Source or free so I thought that it might be of use for others and the rest is history. PDFCreator allows you to convert files to PDF, merge and rearrange PDF files, create digital signatures and more. It’s free and easy to use.

"Scriba eBook Maker" is a project for building ebooks (in , PDF and zip formats) using contents already available in other formats (e.g., HTML, PDF, XML, etc.) both on the Web and on file systems. Scriba is a utility written in Java and has a command line interface.

Tools for compressing, uncompressing (for hand editing), obtaining metadata, splitting and merging, encrypting and decrypting, validating, imposition (aka n-up), making page images, extracting text, and full-text indexing (with Lucene) of PDF, HTML and other format documents. Oct 22, 2014 · Sign PDF files for free. JSignPdf is a Java application which adds digital signatures to PDF documents. It can be used as a standalone application or as an Add-On in OpenOffice.org. The application uses the jsignpdf-itxt library for PDF manipulations (based on iText library in version 2.1.7 with LGPL/MPL license). Verilog-A compact device models for GaAs MESFETs: MESFET.pdf Verilog-A implementation of the EKV v2.6 long and short channel MOSFET models: EKV26.pdf Compact Verilog-A pn junction photodiode model: photodiode.pdf PDFtk (short for PDF Toolkit) is a cross-platform tool for manipulating Portable Document Format (PDF) documents. It comes in three versions: PDFtk Server (open source command-line tool), PDFtk Free and PDFtk Pro (proprietary paid). pdftk-java is a port of PDFtk into Java. For broader coverage of this topic, see Open-source-software movement . A screenshot of Linux Mint running the Xfce desktop environment , Mozilla Firefox browsing Wikipedia powered by MediaWiki , a calculator program, the built-in calendar, Vim , GIMP , and the VLC media player , all of which are open-source software. Open-source software (OSS) is a type of computer software in which source