The time has come to replace this server and I've picked up a new server, and on it I've installed Server 2008 R2 (64 Bit). On this new server, how do I setup VPN? I tried installing the Network Policy and Access Services Role (with only Remote and Routing Options installed, not the others).

The Completing the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup Wizard opens. Select Finish to close the wizard, then select OK to close the Routing and Remote Access dialog box. Select Start service to start Remote Access. In the Remote Access MMC, right-click the VPN server, then select Properties. In Properties, select the Security tab and do: a. Step by step instructions on setting up VPN on Server 2008 I recently installed a new windows 2008 server (standard) for a buddys business. This is the only server they have. The server is the DC, Active Directory, DNS. Setup is as follows. T1 router - Watchguard Firewall - switch - server. They are requesting that I setup VPN access so 2 clients can access their mapped network drive on the server from Server 2008 R2 - IKEv2 VPN with Apple Mac as Client | Tech Jun 18, 2016 Configuring Windows Server 2008 as a Remote Access SSL VPN Feb 14, 2008

Setting up an authoritative DNS in Windows Server 2008

Jun 18, 2016 Configuring Windows Server 2008 as a Remote Access SSL VPN

Steps to install and configure a VPN Server on Windows 2008 R2 has changed to some extent as compared with Windows 2003. Though installing a VPN server in Windows 2008 server isn't too difficult at all.

Although I had some APs that just won`t work with Windows Server based RADIUS server, so be careful when you choose your equipment. Access Point should have ethernet connection to the network environment where RADIUS server is located. Access Point should be setup as follows: Static IP, same subnet as RADIUS server . Setup as Access Point How to Set up an L2TP/IPsec VPN Server on Windows